
Thursday, January 5, 2012


It has been a while! I just got this tremendous burst of energy from somewhere but I have been great though! I never imagined my life this way years ago but now that I am here on this earth approaching twenty-five I feel wonderful! I have always been happy and I always will be!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Relationships! To be or Not To be

To be loved to be loved oh what a feeling it is to be loved!
Yeah if it is love coming from your family or close friends! I believe relationships are over rated! Besides what is wrong with picking up the phone when you want to be loved! Or even going to the club and making love!
I am at a point in my life where when guys talk about wanting relations with me I get nervous and paranoid like they are trying to plot on my life or something!
I am no misandrist! I just feel that most men have the wrong intentions when it comes to dating and relations!
For the people in relationships I give you lots of props because I know how difficult it is when you have someone in your face you probably wish was not there! And if not all the time you have wished it once! It was that way for me! I kept day dreaming that one day a rich man would take me away or one day the guy I was dating would turn into a rich man and send me to an island to live as the only female surrounded by three nice looking men! But I guess they are cool for the people who love them!
My next relationship I want to date Dwight Howard and see how that goes! I think we would make a good couple but I believe Fifty Cent(Curtis Jackson III) and I would be perfect together!
What do you all think?! What are your views on relationships?!

Sunday, June 19, 2011


There are lots of sexy men in this world! It is going to be hard for me to find someone to settle with right now so you know what I will do I just look! For now!
I like to sit back and scope out all the sexy men and just giggle or flirt when we have conversation!
When I do dive in the pond it is going to be awesome! I mean I am already having fun but when I get an opportunity to really explore it is going to be amazing! He just better be fine with a nice body!
I am talking about cut! No belly all muscle and he better be packing(I mean that)! I am not too much worried about the hair because he will look good even on his rough days! Let's see what else... OK he better be exciting and tall if possible because I am short so I want to really stand out when I am next to him! He must be athletic because I love to cheer! He must play a huge part in the community because if no one else looks up to him what does he expect me to think of him! 
Also I would like him to have a way with words! I love a man that can talk himself out of everything! He must take care of his feet even if that means riding around the house in a scooter! He must also know how cook! He must have a specialty dish!
He must know how to court! He better love the hell out of his Mom and no beef with Dad! He better like rap music! And most importantly he better love ME just like Romeo loved Juliet!
Anything I left out ladies let me know?

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the men in the world! Especially to my Dad who has been an exceptional Dad throughout this life of mine!

Monday, June 6, 2011


The weekend I tell you was exactly that! The weekend!

But it was great after all! No one got lucky and I really was not feeling it! I was more into the work I had to do then going out! I feel like that is very big of me! I mean the working part!

But I really want to celebrate and have a great time! I wonder is it bad of me to say that! I want to celebrate because I feel like I am steps away from success and I woke up for more than a week to do it! I really want to get out of character! As if I am not already playing one! I want to be someone new! Like what do they say I want to reinvent myself l.o.l!

Possibly one day this week it will happen or this weekend approaching! Who knows I may end up in Spain somewhere or maybe even an Island! Who knows but anywhere fun is perfect! Like lots of water really nice music great food fine refreshments and comfortable sleeping! 

I could add lots of other great things but I will not I will leave somethings to the imagination! But really all I am trying to say is I want to get away! I am ready for vacation more than wanting to go out or any other place of the sort here in Ga. I want to get away!

And it is going to happen soon! Watch what I tell you! 

Where should I travel to for excitement?!

Friday, June 3, 2011


I am so excited the weekend is here! I feel like I have been in my room for a whole month now! I think this weekend I am going to go out and enjoy myself!

I may even let some lucky guy take me some place fun! That is only if the person asking is a lucky person l.o.l! Date or not I am getting out though! I will not be spending this weekend inside! This is America we are all free and this weekend I am going to act like it!

So with that said I am off to plan my adventure and I guess when Monday arrives I will add a new post updating you all on all the excitement that occurred!

Sounds exciting! I hope all you beautiful people enjoy your weekend as well! If something exciting happens let me know please!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


O.M.G I get so excited when it comes to going off on a man and that is only because I will not do it  to your face but I am blogging so I can say what I want L.O.L! Here goes men:
  1. NEVER ASK A WOMAN TO PAY FOR A FIRST DATE  If you do not have the cash simply do not ask her out! Do not even ask for her number if you do not plan on taking and paying for you two to go out and get to know each other initially! If you find a women and she asks you to a date then maybe she is willing to pay but NEVER ASK A WOMAN TO PAY FOR A FIRST DATE! Even if she does say she will pay do not let her that is a no no!
  2. DO NOT CALL HER TO COME SEE YOU THEN TURN THE VISIT INTO HER GIVING YOU A RIDE SOME PLACE If you two are going to spend time together then you two should do just that! Especially if she comes over to see you, she does not want to be your Schaeffer she wants to spend time! She has no business driving to you in the beginning but please DO NOT CALL HER OVER TO COME SEE YOU THEN TURN THE VISIT INTO HER GIVING YOU A RIDE SOME PLACE! That is a no no and you will not get another visit that consists of her driving!
  3. DO NOT SPEND THE DATE STARING DOWN SOME OTHER WOMEN Like O.M.G! Is she the one you chose to take on the date! If she is so special ask her out next time but this is the both you alls date so all attention on her! Please DO NOT SPEND THE DATE STARING DOWN SOME OTHER WOMEN that is a no no! Unless you want that eye cut out! J>K!
  4. NEVER LET A WOMAN OPEN A DOOR If you can open a door, as a gentlemen, why not?! I am sure you would not take your mom out and let her open her own door! If so you are selfish! NEVER LET A WOMAN OPEN A DOOR that is a no no!
  5. DO NOT FORCE YOURSELF ON A WOMAN IF SHE SAYS NO No means no! Have some respect! She should only say no once DO NOT FORCE YOURSELF ON A WOMAN IF SHE SAYS NO! That is a huge no no! What man wants their woman saying no anyways?!
  6. DO NOT EXPECT A WOMAN TO SLEEP OVER AT YOUR PLACE HER FIRST VISIT THERE Geeesh! Let her get comfortable to the point where she wants to stay! Do not expect or get angry if she chooses not to stay! DO NOT EXPECT A WOMAN TO SLEEP OVER AT YOUR PLACE THE FIRST VISIT THERE that is a no no! She may never return!
This is just my list! I am sure there are plenty more for you men but I do not want you all angry at me for going on! I salute you men but some of you need to get it together!

Are there any more no nos for a man? Give your input!