
Sunday, May 29, 2011


So last night I posted about me dating and after reading the post I came to the conclusion that maybe a lot of it has to do with me! I figure I already have a problem with letting guys take me out and maybe that is my own issue! Maybe I am the insecure one! Maybe I have trust issues! Maybe because my life is not all intact I am not willing to open up to relationships as I should!

That sounds like I have major issues and I do! Man! I need a way to work on these things! It sounds like I need to come up with a whole new me!

I know what the problem is! I need a GANGSTER! I feel like they are the ones to handle or tame unstable women! It can be a GANGSTER MOBSTER SOLDIER BUSINESS MAN or a man of the sort! I feel as though if I am going to be in a relationship I do not need to be around a person daily! I want to at-least spend a month or so apart so that within that month or so you are to busy missing me to know that I have issues!

 Does that make any sense? Maybe not to you but it is perfectly fine by me!

If anyone else has a solution for me please let me know! I want a relationship! I want someone to love me besides all my family my homies and the other people that love me! I need love from a GANGSTER or a MOBSTER or a SOLDIER or a BUSINESS MAN or a man of the sort! Oh and with a lot of money please!


  1. Ok so, I'm glad that you've decided to speak on this subject matter. Some women confuse me! Why? Simple; I don't think some women really know what they want. And I say that because you said that you need a "gangster, Mobster, etc.. or the sort. But in your "No Nos" for a man you're giving different qualities or traits that men should exude. And I assume these are traits that you'd want your man or friend or male interest to exude. But heres where I'm a little confused. What gangster you know is going to hold a door open for anyone? I could be WRONG lol but For goodness sake, THEY'RE A "GANGSTER" They normally have one thing in mind and thats being a gangster! I've known a few "gangsters" and they have very little compassion or resolve for anyone other than themselves. THEY'RE "GANGSTERS!" Or even a mobster. He's too busy being a mobster to concern him or herself with "NO NO"S." You've seen AMerican GANGSTER!! WHere was his compassion or his concern for No No's? Your best bet is to go with a Soldier or a Business man, which are both completely incompatible to your other preferences. SO.... if I'm a gangster with a thug mentality and can put you in your place, I have a chance? BUt what if I'm a Business man that opens doors, pays for breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner without the mobster mentality then I don't have a chance? I think there are good men out here who have qualities that are often overlooked! Help me out, please!!! lol

  2. Wow Jason! When I speak of GANGSTER OR MOBSTER I am not speaking of a thug or anything thuggish! If you know anything about GANGSTERS or MOBSTERS you know that the ones above all are very family oriented respectful and loyal! Some women do not know exactly what they want! But speaking for me I would prefer any man listed in the above posting with qualities that exude those of a thug! I put those men in a category together because I felt as though they all possess similar qualities! If you are a GANGSTER or a MOBSTER with a thuggish mentality you can not even date me let alone put me in my place! But if you are a GANGSTER or MOBSTER who is family and business oriented respectful and loyal then yeah I will let you put me in place! And I say that to say most men AFRICAN AMERICAN I know have some type of GANGSTER or MOBSTER background so that is what they know but it is the qualities and education they possess that make them date-able men for me! And to me they are all BUSINESS MEN and those are the type of men I prefer over any other because I am a woman of business and my man's mind for business must exude mine! And to answer your question any man of business that opens doors pays for breakfast lunch snack and dinner without a thuggish mentality has a chance with me! No man of good quality goes overlooked by me! Oh yeah and in AMERICAN GANGSTER Frank Lucas was very much a gentlemen respectful business minded and took care of his family!

  3. Could you really deal with the life of a gangster or mobster? Is that something a women with class and integrity for herself is willing to make herself, peace and her sanctity susceptible to that lifestyle? I really don't know which is why I'm asking. And what if there's a child or children involved? I understand some women need a rough tough type guy, but do you think there are any other outlets to get that attention from? Other than a gangster or mobster.

  4. Lets flip it for a minute then I will answer your questions! What type of woman are you looking for? Well I will not say looking for but at the moment what type of women are you dating?

  5. Not currently dating. I look mainly for women who believe life is not what you say but what you do. Women who are confident(not in her looks but in her self worth). I love a woman who can express herself emotionally, physically etc... And of course a woman who knows how to cook!! Lol that's enough for now!

  6. OK well this particular woman comes to you and she is beautiful she is the funniest person ever to be around she is all you stated but she is a gangster or a mobster nothing thuggish and she does not tell you this til after you have fell in love with her do you not give her a chance? Then I will answer your question promise!

  7. I would give her a chance but how could I trust her if she wasn't completely honest with me? And what do you mean a gangster or mobster but nothing thuggish?

  8. Meaning she is not a thug and she does not engage in thug activity! But I say that to say that some of us women possess gangster and mobster qualities but that does not mean they aren't in the percentage of best women to date so you really can not overlook you just simply have to have a preference that best suits you! Oh and since you are not dating currently I am going to need you to find a good women to take out!

  9. I hear you, but you haven't answered any of my Last questions slim!! ;)

  10. For me it is not that a woman needs a tough type of man because as a woman I would rather smile everyday! I feel like now a days a woman or me wants a man and no sucker type! A real man like the old men used to be like take care of the woman treat her like a princess then a queen! And that can come from any form of man he does not have to be a gangster or mobster he just has to be worth it!
    I mean the fact that she is a gangster or mobster but she is no thug i.e any type of activity you think thugs do she is just affiliated! Let me say when I think of a thug I get the perception of a person doing the wrong type of unlawful things and a person who has no problem jeopardizing whatever they have going on because they live day to day. And this does not apply to me the gangster or mobster part nor does the thug part! I am just saying there are some gangster mobster type women out here too!
