
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

6 Ways For a Woman to Remain Healthy

This post is geared towards women health because there are many of us who seem to have forgotten what is healthy for us! So here goes and not in any particular order:
  1. BE HAPPY  Some women have forgotten how to be happy and they walk around looking mad at everybody! Everyone knows you are mad because you have your nose tooted up or you are walking around with a frown on your face! Happiness starts with self therefore if you are unhappy you have personal issues! With that being said...We all have issues so get over your issues smile and BE HAPPY!
  2. STOP SMOKING CIGARETTES It is nothing more unattractive then seeing a  woman walk around with a cigarette box and her hand! Especially the part when she pats the box (resembling a monkey) plus second hand smoke is extremely harmful! So you cigarette smoking women get yourself some nicotine patches and quit please! It is not healthy STOP SMOKING CIGARETTES!
  3. STOP STRESSING I feel like this should be number one! If you can not do it then you simply can not do it! Find you something else to do but do not stress about it because something else unattractive is seeing a woman go bald! STOP STRESSING!
  4. GET OUT OF BAD RELATIONSHIPS It is nothing worse then a relationship gone sour! Us women get so emotional and wrapped in a relationship we lose our inner being! Before it gets to the point where you are about to kill him seek counseling and if that does not work find something else to take your attention i.e another man! Whatever the case may be GET OUT OF BAD RELATIONSHIPS!
  5. EXERCISE OK should I say this is more important!! This should be the easiest because no one notices like you notice when you start to blow up! And when you see yourself reach the point when you are blowing up you should do something about it i.e EXERCISE! And having kids is no excuse because they have tracks at the park!
  6. GROOM YOURSELVES I say this to say when we look good we feel good and feeling good keeps us women smiling which keeps us healthy! So ladies take the necessary time to GROOM YOURSELVES!
Of course there are other means of us remaining healthy and these are just a few! We know we RUN THE WORLD but some of us are at the back because we are carrying on to unhealthy traits! So what I suggest is drop some of the dead weight so we can catch up with the women in the front because something else unattractive is a loser!

Any body got anything they want to add to the list to help some women out? Please do so! 


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